


首先要学会质疑,在消化每条原则时,作者请读者做到以下这条:…ask yourself: “Is it true?”




  • It isn’t easy for me to be confident that my opinions are right.(坚信自己的观点都是对的可不是件容易的事情,这是个两面性的事情,你的观点对了,要经受住质疑,你的观点本身是错的话,会很可悲)
  • Bad opinions can be very costly.(某些情况下犯错成本是极高的)
  • The consensus is often wrong, so I have to be an independent thinker(独立思考,不要受大部分的人的思维干扰)
  • I worked for what I wanted, not for what others wanted me to do(这点基于现实还是有点难的,但是在自己掌控的时间里,可以做到)
  • I came up with the best independent opinions I could muster to get what I wanted.
  • I stress-tested my opinions by having the smartest people I could find challenge them so I could find out where I was wrong(找更优秀的人,压测自己的观点和方案,跳出思维局限)
  • I remained wary about being overconfident, and I figured out how to effectively deal with my not knowing.(我不敢太过自信,而是想办法有效处理我所不知道的事情,其实就是做事情把控制风险)
  • I wrestled with my realities, reflected on the consequences of my decisions, and learned and improved from this process. (我同现实展开斗争,反思所做决定带来的后果,从中学习与提高)
  • Truth — more precisely, an accurate understanding of reality — is the essential foundation for producing good outcomes. (真相:具体来说,就是精准理解现实 —— 这是达成良好结果的最重要根基。)
  • The most important quality that differentiates successful people from unsuccessful people is our capacity to learn and adapt to these things. (区分成功人士与平庸之辈最重要的品质就是学习能力和适应能力。不能做到终身学习和思考,很快被这个时代所淘汰,真心感受,要跳出自我设限)
  • As I mentioned before, I believe that life consists of an enormous number of choices that come at us and that each decision we make has consequences, so the quality of our lives depends on the quality ofthe decisions we make.(选择的质量决定的我们的生活)
  • Reality + Dreams + Determination = A Successful Life (至今我还没搞清楚我的梦想是啥?)
  • Pain + Reflection = Progress (痛苦加反思才有可能进步)
  • In summary, I believe that you can probably get what you want out of life if you can suspend your ego and take a no-excuses approach to achieving your goals with open -mindedness, determination, and courage, especially if you rely on the help of people who are strong in areas that you are weak. (我认为要实现梦想,你得清除自我设障,做事不找借口、思维开放、下定决心、富有勇气,尤其要依靠那些在你不擅长的领域表现优秀之人。)
  • In summary, I don’t believe that limited abilities are an insurmountable barrier to achieving yourgoals, if you do the other things right. (我不认为有限的能力是实现目标不可逾越的障碍,能把其他的事情做好,也能弥补自身的缺陷。)
  • The biggest mistake most people make is to not see themselves and others objectively. If theycould just get around this, they could live up to their potentials. (很多人最大的错误就是没能客观看待自己或他人,克服了这点就能实现自身潜力的发展。)